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R2AC Fellowship Program 2021

The R2AC fellowship program is a comprehensive 2 month project designed to focus on the scientific development of high school fellows. Outstanding candidates who are seeking to expand leadership are selected to conduct research on a particular issue. The unique experiences offered by the program are not typically available to individuals starting out in an entry-level position. Key elements of the program include academic webinars to develop frameworks and apply concepts, and conduct in-depth research and analysis of a particular issue area.


The January 2021 fellowship program hosted 3 candidates at an education level from Grades 9-10 to develop a toolkit on the development of schizophrenia in youth. The 25 page toolkit draws implications on the biological and environmental factors, treatment and prevention, and resources for the reader to utilize. Candidates worked closely with research leads and senior advisors to maximize the development of key interdisciplinary skills for the benefit of health research.

View the full Schizophrenia Toolkit

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