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The Importance of Music to the Everyday Person

Music is something that is constantly around us. It is within the songs playing aloud in a cafe, the upbeat track we complete our morning runs to, and even the suspenseful melody that gradually increases as tensions rise in our favourite films. Music has become essential in our lives.

For most people, music is a means of relaxation, expression, and a way of feeling liberated. Especially during these difficult times, music has been a solace from the overwhelming matters in the world. There are also many health benefits rooted in music. Did you know that listening to music for at least 12 minutes a day can reduce aging and increase cognitive function? There are many amazing benefits of listening to music daily! Below is a list of how listening to music can improve your health.

Why is music important to the body?

It increases productivity.

While listening to music, your brain releases dopamine — a feel-good hormone that makes you happier and more energetic — in anticipation of any rewarding experiences. Especially while listening to a song that you know very well and love, parts of your brain will release more dopamine.

Scientists have researched and debated on what genre of music and activity would best suit each other to allow for higher levels of productivity. Interestingly, to this very scientific question, the answer is quite simple: it depends. It depends on the type of music a person feels more motivated by. Generally speaking, it helps when the music either has no words, or the person has listened to the music so many times that they don’t feel the need to pay close attention to the lyrics while listening. Additionally, productivity can be boosted in activities that require less focus or are repetitive, such as running and other forms of exercise.

It taps into many regions of the brain.

When listening to music, many cognitive capabilities are being utilized, including the regions relating to numeracy, language, and space perception. Having a variety of regions to fire neuron impulses is important because it reinforces the neurological connections that will become weaker over time.

A clinical trial with adults that have a “cognitive impairment listened to 12 minutes of music every day for 12 weeks and showed a decrease in a cellular biomarker of aging in the blood, as well as improvements in memory, mood, sleep, and executive cognitive function” (Cognitive Vitality).

This goes to show that listening to music can go as far as to prevent aging.


Aside from the physical benefits of listening to music, music is also a form of expression. It is an amazing tool that can easily represent the core of human experiences. It helps share stories of human contact, imagination, and powerful emotions which, in turn, can reach anyone. Even in the most subtle of messages, music can share snippets of ideas, stir memories, and prompt our thoughts. Music grants connection. Not only does it provide better connections within our brain, it allows us to subconsciously connect with the world.

Article Contributors: Katrina Artes, Victoria Huang



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